Karly Warner is a palawa woman and lawyer who grew up in regional north-east Victoria, on Bangerang and Dhudhuroa country. She is the Chair of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (NATSILS), the chair of the Australian Legal Assistance Forum and a co-chair of the National Justice Policy Partnership under the National Closing the Gap agreement. Karly is also the CEO of the Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT).
Previously, Karly was a practicing lawyer at the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co-operative Limited, with experience working across criminal, civil, child protection and family law and has a background working in legal policy roles within the then Victorian Department of Justice.
Karly believes people led movements are critical for self-determination, social change and strengthening democracy.
NATSILS Deputy Chair
Nerita Waight
Nerita Waight is a Yorta Yorta and Narrandjeri woman with Taungurung connections. Nerita was first employed at VALS in 2014 as a civil lawyer. Prior to becoming CEO, Nerita had experience across several teams in the organisation including family and children’s law, as well as policy and advocacy.
Nerita has helped expand the work of VALS to meet the needs of Aboriginal communities. Notably establishing Balit Ngulu, a holistic and culturally safe legal service for Aboriginal children. As CEO, Nerita has also overseen the expansion of VALS’ policy and advocacy work, and the establishment of the Wirraway Police and Prison Accountability Practice which has supported clients on several high-profile Aboriginal death in custody cases. Wirraway supported Uncle Percy Lovett, the partner of Veronica Nelson, during the Coronial Inquest into her death in custody.
Nerita is also the mother of two young boys. Ensuring that they grow up with strong connections to their culture and kin, and in a world that is safer for Aboriginal people, is a key motivation for Nerita’s work.